Conference Call

22 Prill 2023

The Faculty of Philosophy organizes:

Interdisciplinary conference


"Decade of Fragility?

Community, Society and the State today"


Prishtina, Kosovo, November 9-10, 2023


The Faculty of Philosophy organizes the biennial conference "Community, society, and the state today". This is an interdisciplinary conference that aims to gather in one place researchers and scholars from different fields: anthropologists, philosophers, political scientists, psychologists and sociologists, to discuss societal dynamics and to understand the fragility faced by communities, societies and states contemporary. Fragility, according to the OECD, is defined as " the combination of exposure to risk and insufficient coping capacities of the state, system and/or communities to manage, absorb or mitigate those risks. It occurs in a spectrum of intensity across six dimensions: economic, environmental, political, security, societal and human".

Strong communities are a vital resource for maintaining social cohesion and providing a sense of belonging. Society-state relations are significant as well, for they display how state institutions interact with social groups, how public authorities are legitimized, and what kind of public policies are implemented for the benefit of the public.

In the last five years, the world has been confronted with major historical events, ranging from the COVID-19 Pandemic, the rise of left-wing and right-wing authoritarianism across Europe, Russia's illegal and unjustified aggression on Ukraine, the mass and violent displacement of more than 89 million vulnerable people globally (as a result of conflict and violence escalating from Afghanistan, Syria to Ukraine), as well as the recent dramatic developments in the field of artificial intelligence and the lack of legal regulation over this field. All these events, and each one of them separately, have produced different risks either at the level of community, society or state.

Providing a friendly discussion platform to address these risks, the conference focuses on, but is not limited to, the following macro-topics:

  1. Social Cohesion and Resilience
  2. Peacebuilding
  3. State of Emergency/State of Exception
  4. Multiculturalism
  5. Forced displacements
  6. Formal and informal institutions
  7. Authoritarianism
  8. Bioethics


On behalf of the Scientific Committee of the Faculty of Philosophy, we have the pleasure and honor to invite interested researchers and specialists to submit abstracts and participate in the conference "Decade of Fragility? Community, Society and the State today". The conference will be held on November 9 and 10, 2023, in Prishtina, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Prishtina, Kosovo.

Please send the abstracts to the following email address: [email protected] , by June 20, 2023.


Format of the conference:

Two-day conference:

  1. Plenary session
  2. Thematic sessions

The conference will be held in person. Languages of the conference will be Albanian and English.

Call published: April 20, 2023.

Abstract submission: June 20, 2023.

Acceptance of abstracts: 5 July 2023.


Conference Call